starting with the cars in this update
Tactical Support Group
I have added A new division’s worth of vehicles which is TSG including pangolins, raid vans, EGT penman, and two unmarked vehicles

Local Policing
I have made three new vehicles (23 kodiaq, T6 cell van, Superb Comms car) and updated three Vehicles (all 21 superbs) in the Local Policing Fleet.

Armed Response
I have made 3 new ARVs (two superb 4×4 versions and the Tourgan) and updated the Superb sportline.

New and Updated Buildings/MLO
Vinewood Ambulance Station

Musgrave Station

Davis Station

General Updates
- Added two new mods to the Minecraft server (hordes and create)
- Updated to Vmenu (fivepd)
- Updated fivem server artifacts and game versions
- Updated the radio script
- Updated the Random Scenarios on fivepd (two new added No vehicle lights and sudden vehicle stop)
- Updated the VehicleSpawnMenu (Both Fivem servers)
- Added new vehicle extrication script use commands are /cutters, /spreaders, and /glassmaster (Both Fivem servers)
General Fixes
- Fixed fivepd server chat
- Added ELS files that were missing (Both Fivem servers)
- Fixed the RPU Q7 sirens missing (Fivepd)
- Fixed ELS SIren Crash (Fivepd
- Fixed weapons menu not loading (Fivepd)
- Fixed server memory leak (Arma 3)
- Fixed PVP not enabled (Both FIvem Servers)
- Fixed FMS integration (Fivepd)
- Fixed FMS Discord bot not sending Direct Messages
I would like to join because i like how detailed it is